Top 4 Most Popular Bufferapp Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 4 most popular bufferapp wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. The Buffer Button

Add the buffer button to your blog to let people share your content on Twitter and Facebook seamlessly....Popular Score : 31,100,000

2. Socialize

Provides an easy way to selectively add actionable social sharing buttons to your posts content or below the post in a 'Call To Action' box....Popular Score : 2,650,000

3. WordPress to Buffer

Send WordPress Pages, Posts or Custom Post Types to your Buffer ( account for scheduled publishing to social networks....Popular Score : 1,320,000

4. GetSocial

GetSocial adds an intelligent, lightweight, quick to setup floating social media sharing box on your blog posts....Popular Score : 47,800