Top 9 Most Popular Cas Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 9 most popular cas wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Cassava CAS Server

Cassava provides authentication services based on the Jasig CAS protocol....Popular Score : 2,540,000,000

2. wpCAS Server

Turns WordPress or WordPress MU into a CAS single sign-on authenticator....Popular Score : 27,500,000

3. CAS Maestro

CAS Maestro allows you to configure your centralized authentication service, CAS, for an integrated log in with WordPress. LDAP is optional....Popular Score : 27,000,000

4. WP Cassify

The plugin is a JASIG CAS Client. It performs CAS authentication and autorization for WordPress....Popular Score : 27,000,000

5. wpCAS-w-LDAP

Description: Plugin to integrate WordPress or WordPressMU with existing CAS single sign-on architectures and LDAP for grabbing user information....Popular Score : 1,400,000


Integrate Central Authentication Service (CAS) with WordPress...Popular Score : 211,000

7. SoJ CAS/LDAP Login

This plugin allows users to be authenticated via CAS, and logins to be controlled via LDAP....Popular Score : 198,000

8. Authorizer

Authorizer limits login attempts, restricts access to specified users, and authenticates against external sources (e.g., Google, LDAP, or CAS)....Popular Score : 122,000

9. wpCAS

Plugin to integrate WordPress or WordPressMU with existing CAS architectures. Based largely on Stephen Schwink's CAS Authentication plugin....Popular Score : 12,500