Top 10 Most Popular Cat Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular cat wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Category Tagging

Using categories as tags in WordPress. This plugin provides a tag cloud and related posts. When using this plugin, you can use the WordPress’ catego...Popular Score : 606,000,000

2. eShop Custom Types

Are you frustrated that your eShop doesn't support your Custom Post Types and Taxonomies? Fix it with this plugin....Popular Score : 52,600,000

3. Specify Home Hidden Categories

Specify the Home hidden under all the article,Set up one or more categories, as long as the article is contained in the specified category, then the...Popular Score : 43,600,000

4. Fast Category Cloud WordPress Plugin

Fast Category Cloud WordPress Plugin (Base Version) - plugin that shows categories as a colored tag cloud with post count !!!...Popular Score : 12,800,000

5. Modal Portfolio

Portfolio avec photos, description, titre et filtres en responsive avec de multiples options (responsive portfolio with images, description, title and...Popular Score : 12,300,000

6. Random Cat

Provides a nice way to show a random cat photo on your site....Popular Score : 8,840,000

7. Laika Pedigree Tree

Draws a pedigree tree...Popular Score : 3,700,000

8. Tag Cloud per Category

This is an override of the native Tag cloud widget but filtered by the current category....Popular Score : 3,240,000

9. WP Category Tag Cloud

Display a configurable 2D or 3D cloud of tags, categories or any other taxonomy filtered by tags or categories....Popular Score : 3,110,000

10. Nyan Cat!

The ultimate accessory to WordPress 3.2's Distraction-Free Writing mode. Get in the zone... the NYAN ZONE!...Popular Score : 1,820,000