Top 10 Most Popular Category Image Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular category image wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Category Image(s)

Version: 1.7.3 Display an image for each category associated with a post....Popular Score : 2,420,000,000

2. Category and Taxonomy Image

Category and Taxonomy Image Plugin allow you to add image with category/taxonomy....Popular Score : 329,000,000

3. Easy Taxonomy Images

Have featured and cover images for tags, categories and custom taxonomies...Popular Score : 97,600,000

4. Categories Images

The Categories Images Plugin allow you to add image with category or taxonomy....Popular Score : 73,600,000

5. Category Image

The Category Image Plugin allow you to add image with category....Popular Score : 70,900,000

6. Category Views by Webline

A Simple plugin allow you to upload category image and those displayed in front end with diff. display options....Popular Score : 55,200,000

7. SB Uploader

An easy, customer/user friendly way to upload images and attach them to your content. Optionally sets the featured image. Sometimes you just want to u...Popular Score : 31,500,000

8. Jam Taxonomy Image

Jam Taxonomy Image will help you have a nicer Category/Tag/Custom Post type Page with banner, and have a nice and powerful Taxonomy Widget...Popular Score : 29,900,000

9. HMK Featured Images for Categories and pages.

HMK Featured Images enables the user to set different featured image for each category, sub category or page....Popular Score : 29,600,000

10. Taxography - Category Image

A powerfull widget for displaying categories with image....Popular Score : 29,200,000