Top 4 Most Popular Chooser Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 4 most popular chooser wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Advanced Custom Fields: Link

Integrates WordPress' default link picker into Advanced Custom Fields...Popular Score : 19,600,000

2. TinyMCE Color Grid

Extends the TinyMCE color picker with a lot more colors to choose from....Popular Score : 16,600,000

3. Theme Catalog

Attractive front-end theme switcher/preview allowing demo of all themes, with menu and widget handling....Popular Score : 10,200,000

4. WP Dropbox Dropins

This plugins gives your users the ability to Save files directly from your website to their Dropbox account instantly....Popular Score : 2,550,000