Top 10 Most Popular Free Images Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular free images wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Freemage

Search for free or creative commons images from your media manager. Great for finding featured images or photos for your blog posts....Popular Score : 817,000,000

2. Photo Video Link Gallery

This plugin allows you to implement a photo gallery, video gallery and link gallery page into your website....Popular Score : 769,000,000

3. Free images pictures

Search Free images and pictures from various sources - Flickr, Pixabay and Wikimedia. Place free images to articles or pages as media....Popular Score : 386,000,000

4. Image Gallery

Huge-IT Image Gallery is the best plugin to use if you want to be original with your website....Popular Score : 281,000,000

5. Photo Video Gallery Master

This plugin allows you to implement a photo gallery, video gallery and link gallery page into your website....Popular Score : 159,000,000

6. Pixabay Images Gallery

Show a set of beautiful and free images from Pixabay justified in a responsive grid layout....Popular Score : 147,000,000

7. Gallery by BestWebSoft

This plugin allows you to implement a gallery page into your website....Popular Score : 73,200,000

8. Free Stock Images - Add Images to Blog Posts

Search through 3 million free stock images on and add to your post fast and smooth by just a few clicks....Popular Score : 55,800,000

9. Free Stock Photos by

Find a perfect stock photo from over 3 million free photos on and insert it to your post directly by just a few clicks....Popular Score : 54,600,000

10. Tattoo Images

Find images and add them to your blog with just a click. Backlink is required....Popular Score : 40,400,000