Top 10 Most Popular Geoip Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular geoip wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Country Caching Extension

Enables Comet/Zen Cache to cache by page/visitor country instead of just page. Solves "wrong country content" Geo-Location issues....Popular Score : 1,570,000,000

2. Comment Location Tracker

Traces the IP of comment authors in WordPress on the comments admin page....Popular Score : 63,200,000

3. WP GeoLocation

This plugin uses the MaxMind GeoIP JS Web Service to return the Country, Region, City, Latitude, and Longitude WordPress shortcodes....Popular Score : 52,400,000

4. Advanced Mobile Redirect

This plugin allows you to put in a full path URL to redirect various mobile traffic with GEO-targeting and Device specific targeting....Popular Score : 51,700,000

5. Change Comment Notify email

This simple plugin will allow you to quickly find commenter's country directly from within the comment notification email....Popular Score : 25,900,000

6. Pike Firewall

Pike FIrewall stands for limiting actions to the users that came from anonymous traffic sources....Popular Score : 25,300,000

7. Country Specific Menu Items

Control the visibility of individual menu items based on a user's country....Popular Score : 24,200,000

8. whats-my-ip

Display the current User's IP address in Widgets & Shortcodes....Popular Score : 23,300,000

9. Advertwhirl Advertising Manager and Ad Rotator

Advertwhirl the ultimate WordPress advertising campaign manager WordPress. Control exactly which ads are displayed and how....Popular Score : 21,800,000

10. WooCommerce Product Price Based on Countries

Add multicurrency support to WooCommerce, allowing you set product's prices in different currencies based on country of your site's visitor....Popular Score : 21,000,000