Top 10 Most Popular Graphic Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular graphic wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. wrp-cards

Replace cards by a graphical representation of the card....Popular Score : 2,420,000,000

2. Site Icon Pro

Site Icon Pro gives you full control over the exact icons and HTML used to display the favicon and app icons on your WordPress site!...Popular Score : 472,000,000

3. All In One Favicon

Easily add a Favicon to your site and the WordPress admin pages. Complete with upload functionality. Supports all three Favicon types (ico,png,gif)....Popular Score : 181,000,000

4. Free Stock Photos by

Find a perfect stock photo from over 3 million free photos on and insert it to your post directly by just a few clicks....Popular Score : 54,600,000

5. WP Resize Me

This is a simple plugin, targeted for responsive themes, that adds a resize me graphic to the bottom right corner of the website....Popular Score : 45,200,000

6. Favicon My Blog

This plugin allows you to display a favicon on your blog - With maximum compatibility!...Popular Score : 42,600,000

7. WP Beautiful Charts

Create beautiful charts for your webiste or blog....Popular Score : 37,900,000

8. Display SQL Stats

Displaying SQL result data as graphical chart on your blog (shortcodes) or your dashboard with use of Google Chart Tools....Popular Score : 37,300,000

9. FireStats Charts

This plugin adds a graphical chart of the FireStats statistics plugin on the admin dashboard...Popular Score : 26,900,000

10. Processing-js-Easy

Includes and executes graphical javascript applications that have been written with processing (.pde)...Popular Score : 18,700,000