Top 8 Most Popular Guru Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 8 most popular guru wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. LearnPress Course Review - WordPress extension for LearnPress

LearnPress Course Review - An extension plugin for LearnPress....Popular Score : 14,200,000

2. LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin

A WordPress LMS Plugin to create WordPress Learning Management System. Turn your WP to LMS WordPress with Courses, Lessons, Quizzes & more....Popular Score : 3,700,000

3. LearnPress Export Import - WordPress extension for LearnPress

LearnPress Export/Import bring you feature to export course, lesson, quiz, question from a LearnPress site to back up or bring to another LearnPress s...Popular Score : 2,500,000

4. BAFTA Guru widget

The BAFTA Guru WordPress Plugin and Widget allows you to easily feature Guru Video, Audio and Article content on your own website....Popular Score : 1,090,000

5. LearnPress bbPress - WordPress add-on for LearnPress LMS plugin

LearnPress bbPress is a plugin which bring bbPress features to LearnPress....Popular Score : 114,000

6. LearnPress Wishlist - WordPress extension for LearnPress

LearnPress Wishlist add wishlist feature to your LearnPress course in your site....Popular Score : 14,100

7. LearnPress Prerequisite - WordPress extension for LearnPress

LearnPress Prerequisites is an add-on for LearnPress allow you to set prerequisite courses for a certain course in a LearnPress site....Popular Score : 13,500

8. LearnPress BuddyPress - WordPress add-on for LearnPress LMS plugin

LearnPress buddyPress bring wonderful profile page for LearnPress....Popular Score : 8,100