Top 10 Most Popular Mail Wordpress Plugins | Apr 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular mail wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Cispm Mail Contact

Version: 2.2.6 Cispm Contact Mail est un formulaire de contact paramétrable. Cispm Contact Mail is a contact form that we can define....Popular Score : 5,430,000,000

2. Yandex Mail

This plugin gives you the easiest way to send emails through the Yandex SMTP server instead of PHP mail()....Popular Score : 3,640,000,000

3. wp_mail to XMPP

Send almost all notifications via XMPP instead of email...Popular Score : 2,580,000,000


Configures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings....Popular Score : 2,500,000,000

5. Admin User Messages

Admin User Messages is a simple plugin that allows communication just between Admin and single users, but not a communication between user and user....Popular Score : 2,390,000,000

6. Virtual Agent by ASKOM

Automated chat available 24/7, no human presence is needed. Your visitors ask everything to your virtual assistant !...Popular Score : 2,380,000,000

7. contact info

This plugin will allow you to add contact information from admin panel and show them in frontend. Using shortcodes and functions....Popular Score : 1,210,000,000

8. Visitor Mailer

Receive email of visitors on a daily or weekly basis, NO additional plugins or add-ons are required....Popular Score : 901,000,000

9. Send Link Home

Allow visitors to e-mail themselves the URL of the current page....Popular Score : 780,000,000

10. Tiny Contact Form

Little form that allows site visitors to contact you by email....Popular Score : 393,000,000