Top 10 Most Popular Mentions Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular mentions wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Mentions Légales

Génère un shortcode avec les mentions légales obligatoires sur les sites internet français....Popular Score : 352,000,000

2. Comments Users Mentions

Allows to mention WordPress users in a comment. The mentioned users will receive a notification email....Popular Score : 333,000,000

3. Twitter Mentions As Comments

Twitter Mentions as Comments scours Twitter for people talking about your site & silently inserts their Tweets alongside your existing comments....Popular Score : 160,000,000

4. Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo

When adding a comment, your users can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol....Popular Score : 35,100,000

5. Author mentions

Replace each `@wordpress user_login@` by the user posts page link in your posts contents....Popular Score : 35,100,000

6. Twitter mentions in posts

Show tweets about your posts right under them....Popular Score : 34,400,000

7. AtMention in Comments

A plugin that enables you to mention @comment__author in comments....Popular Score : 33,300,000

8. Email Mentioned

Email Mentioned is a lightweight customizable -no coding needed- plugin to send an email to each user mentioned in comments....Popular Score : 33,100,000

9. Tweet Stream

Display your most recent tweets and mentions in a sidebar or widget enabled area....Popular Score : 29,800,000

10. Display Tweets

Display Tweets is an easy to use, future proof Twitter feed plugin that uses PHP to make requests to the v1.1 Twitter REST API....Popular Score : 26,500,000