Top 10 Most Popular Multiuser Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular multiuser wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Trusted Only

Makes your site content visible only for several users who are in your trusted list....Popular Score : 2,390,000,000

2. My Sites Shortcode

Displays the list of your sites in a list format. by adding this shortcode into a post or page : [my-sites]...Popular Score : 360,000,000

3. Site Template

Site Template is a plugin that allows site administrators to set up blog templates for their multi-site WP installs....Popular Score : 150,000,000

4. Network Blog Manager

A simple but powerful blog manager to be used in blog networks. Include an internal search engine, statistics, and some useful tool....Popular Score : 138,000,000

5. Your Posts on Dashboard

The number of your posts is added to your dashboard’s Right Now....Popular Score : 92,000,000

6. s2Member Buttons

Add buttons to your toolbar that help you control content presentation in an s2Member based membership site....Popular Score : 83,000,000

7. Quick Post Management

QPM adds page/post management links for one-click actions as drafting, private/public, opening/closing comments/trackbacks, trashing/deleting, etc...Popular Score : 66,800,000

8. 404 ReDirector

Simple, SEO friendly, permanent (301) and automatic redirect of 404 errors....Popular Score : 51,700,000

9. Multisite User Management

Automatically add users to each site in your WordPress network....Popular Score : 47,600,000

10. DRP WordPress User Management

DRP WordPress User Management is a WordPress user management plugin which allows you to manage and keep track of all registered users. It let's y...Popular Score : 30,300,000