Top 4 Most Popular Permanent Redirect Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 4 most popular permanent redirect wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Content Expiration & Redirect

A simple plugin that lets you schedule posts or pages to expire - and where you would like the post or page to redirect to when it has expired....Popular Score : 42,000,000

2. CleverError - Make your error pages more clever

CleverError intelligently replace your old 404 'Page Not Found'-page with a supercharged version with an internal site search....Popular Score : 28,600,000

3. 404 Redirected

Creates automatic redirects for 404 traffic and page suggestions when matches are not found providing better service to your web visitors....Popular Score : 2,720,000

4. Trash Duplicate and 301 Redirect

Find and delete duplicates posts, pages, custom post and 301 redirect to the new or old URL....Popular Score : 990,000