Top 7 Most Popular Presslabs Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 7 most popular presslabs wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Mapping of image posts

Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments....Popular Score : 209,000,000

2. PressLabs Site Protection

Site protection plugin for dev instances to avoid indexing by search engines. Doesn't allow access to the site without being logged-in....Popular Score : 93,400,000

3. Theme per user

Load one Theme for a specific user. You must set the theme from User Profile then logout and login again in order to take effect....Popular Score : 70,600,000

4. Toplytics

Displays the most visited posts as a widget using data from Google Analytics. Designed to be used under high-traffic or low server resources....Popular Score : 6,330,000

5. Gitium

Automatic git version control and deployment for your plugins and themes integrated into wp-admin....Popular Score : 218,000

6. AutoVer

AutoVer plugin will automatically version your CSS and JS files in the generated html page (e.g. style.css?ver=1359464809)....Popular Score : 22,800

7. Utf8ize

Convert all your database character sets to utf8, trying to follow Codex guides....Popular Score : 486