Top 5 Most Popular Referral Spam Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 5 most popular referral spam wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Block Referers

Block unwanted visitors from viewing your WordPress site....Popular Score : 27,000,000

2. Block Referer Spam

Blocks referer/referral spam from accessing your site and cleans up your Google Analytics in the process!...Popular Score : 10,800,000

3. Block Referral Spam

This plugins blocks maximum Referral Spams. Now no more notice from Google and no more weird report in Google Analytics....Popular Score : 7,660,000

4. Custom Referral Spam Blocker

Custom Referral Spam Blocker gives you the control to ensure that dishonest referral sources are blocked from Google Analytics....Popular Score : 943,000

5. WP referrer spam blacklist (Ghost Spam in Google Analytics)

WordPress plugin to fight with more than 270 referrer spammers (like semalt, buttons-for-website and many more)....Popular Score : 87,800