Top 10 Most Popular Rows Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular rows wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. JustRows free

JustRows is a WordPress plugin that allows to display a gallery of featured images in a grid similar to Google Images....Popular Score : 622,000,000

2. Grid Shortcodes

A responsive and easy-to-use tool for dividing your content in your posts/pages. This ultra-lightweight plugin allows you to put your content in colum...Popular Score : 27,700,000

3. Perfect Columns

Add shortcodes to easily create up to 12 equal columns in your pages and posts...Popular Score : 25,200,000

4. Enhanced Mediapicker

Enhances the mediapicker with some nice features. It will add a grid-list view, the option to show more then 10 items and a preview....Popular Score : 21,300,000


Create, manage and design tables without writing html code. Paging, sorting, filtering, searching and more options....Popular Score : 7,480,000

6. Responsive Column Widgets

Creates a custom responsive column widget box....Popular Score : 5,350,000

7. Dragcheck Admin Rows

A simple plugin to add few enhancements when checking a row on default Admin Tables, such as Users, Plugins or Posts lists....Popular Score : 5,000,000

8. Responsive Widgets

A collection of text/HTML widgets that display only on the devices specified for each....Popular Score : 3,020,000

9. Tuxedo Responsive Widget Columns

Split sidebars and widget areas into responsive columns....Popular Score : 2,160,000

10. eVision Responsive Column Layout Shortcodes

This WordPress plugin gives you an easy way to add columns to any section - page , post or other content ....Popular Score : 193,000