Top 10 Most Popular Secret Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular secret wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Allopass for WP

English Want to monetize the content you create for your blog? Français Allopass qui vous permettra de monétiser votre site....Popular Score : 99,500,000

2. Team Feed plugin

Create a sidebar widget area with a public slack channel content....Popular Score : 50,200,000

3. Tiny Spoiler

[spoiler name="top secret"]shows/hides this text[/spoiler]...Popular Score : 49,100,000

4. Censor ( DISCONTINUED )

REBOOTED as [Redactor]( Score : 27,600,000

5. Spoiler ( DISCONTINUED )

REBOOTED as [Redactor]( Score : 25,500,000

6. Content Protector

Plugin to protect content on a Page or Post, where users require a password to access that content....Popular Score : 24,900,000

7. Oomph Hidden Tags

Hide certain tags from tag lists and tag clouds. Allow capable users to see hidden tags with the *see_hidden_tags* capability....Popular Score : 24,000,000

8. Hidden Login

Adds Keystroke Enabled Login Functionality...Popular Score : 23,400,000

9. HideMeIn

HideMeIn is a WordPress Plugin that hides you from other users’ eyes. Once installed and activated no one will see you in administrators’ dashboar...Popular Score : 23,100,000

10. Mt8 Secret Comments

Write a comment visible only to admin....Popular Score : 21,000,000