Top 10 Most Popular Signature Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular signature wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Scroll To Top One

Add a Scroll to top Button to your theme. Simple, configurable, dinamic, clean...Popular Score : 209,000,000

2. EZ Emails

EZ Emails (Easy Emails) allows the administrators of a WordPress site to send emails to users or manually typed email addresses, based on HTML templat...Popular Score : 143,000,000

3. Social Icons One

Adds social icons to all the posts....Popular Score : 137,000,000

4. HTML HEAD Comment

With this simple plugin you can add - in easy way - your HTML comment to all pages generated by WordPress. For example you can put your signature, or...Popular Score : 133,000,000

5. Sexy Author Bio

A WordPress author bio plugin that adds a sexy, custom about the author box below your posts for single and multiple authors....Popular Score : 88,100,000

6. Mobile Comments Signature

This plugin detects when a comment is published from a mobile phone/browser and appends a signature to the comment....Popular Score : 64,700,000

7. Better Email Signature

This plugin allows you add some signatures and let you choose signature that will be append to every outgoing email that WordPress sends....Popular Score : 61,600,000

8. Builder Source

This plugin injects comment code into the head section of your HTML output....Popular Score : 53,800,000

9. DT Author Box

Easily add an author box bio signature with custom profile image and social profile buttons to the end of each author's posts...Popular Score : 52,000,000

10. Dot html,php,xml etc pages

Dot html,php,xml etc pages This plugin create any format of pages....Popular Score : 50,700,000