Top 10 Most Popular Sticky Header Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular sticky header wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. FBar Social

FBar Social plugin is a social sticky header bar for wordpress that magically appears at a specific pixel....Popular Score : 88,300,000

2. Advanced scrollbar

Customize your scrollbar. Change color, width, Background, Scroll Speed, align the Rail of scrollbar and more....Popular Score : 54,000,000

3. Quick Notice Bar

This plugin will help you to display a sticky message in your site...Popular Score : 39,300,000

4. WP Notification Bar

WP Notification Bar: Show notifications to relevant users instantly to increase conversions, promote a blog post or, a new product....Popular Score : 33,000,000

5. WordPress Notification Bar

A quick and easy notification bar and call to action for your site....Popular Score : 29,400,000

6. Notice Bar

A simple plugin to show notice bar in WordPress sites....Popular Score : 29,200,000

7. WPFront Notification Bar

Easily lets you create a bar on top or bottom to display a notification....Popular Score : 27,300,000

8. WP Sticky Menu

A flexible and responsive menu management plugin, not just normal sticky menu. Compatible with any WordPress theme...Popular Score : 26,600,000

9. WP Notification Bars

Create custom notification and alert bar for marketing promotions, alerts, increasing click throughs to other pages and so much more....Popular Score : 20,900,000

10. Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll

Sticky Menu (Or Anything!) On Scroll will let you choose any element on your page that will be "sticky" at the top once you scroll down....Popular Score : 7,600,000