Top 4 Most Popular Stopwords Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 4 most popular stopwords wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. OptimiSlug French

Supprime les mots commun tel que "de,la,un,une" des slugs de WordPress automatiquement pour améliorer le SEO...Popular Score : 91,300,000

2. Remove Stopwords From Slug

This plugin removes the stopwords from the URLs for better SEO optimization of your blog. You can set the stopwords in the admin panel....Popular Score : 15,400,000

3. geeSearch Plus, improved WordPress search

Extends WordPress search engine to taxonomies, custom fields and media, sorts results by relevance or date, and more. Simple and clean!...Popular Score : 1,400,000

4. WordPress WP-Advanced-Search

"WP-Advanced-Search" est un moteur de recherche complet et puissant pour WordPress entièrement modulable....Popular Score : 9,160