Top 10 Most Popular Themeblvd Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular themeblvd wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Simple Permalink

This plugin retrieves the permalink URL for a page or post based on the ID with the shortcode [permalink]....Popular Score : 128,000,000

2. Theme Blvd Post-to-Page Link

Link a post to a page to effect its breadcrumb trail when using a Theme Blvd theme....Popular Score : 51,000,000

3. Theme Blvd Image Sizes

When using a theme with Theme Blvd Framework version 2.2+, this plugin allows you to change your theme's image sizes....Popular Score : 49,900,000

4. Jump Start Banners

Restores the banner functionality from Jump Start v2.0, when updating to v2.1+....Popular Score : 39,500,000

5. Theme Blvd WooCommerce Patch

This plugins adds basic compatibility with Theme Blvd themes and WooCommerce....Popular Score : 38,200,000

6. Theme Blvd Featured Videos

When using a theme with Theme Blvd framework version 2.0.5+, this plugin is will allow you to replace featured images with videos....Popular Score : 32,300,000

7. Theme Blvd Post Template Options

This plugins adds a meta box to reveal available custom fields you can use with Post List/Grid page templates of a Theme Blvd theme....Popular Score : 24,200,000

8. Quiet Comment Disable

Quietly disable comments to avoid unwanted comment spam....Popular Score : 21,600,000

9. Theme Blvd Shortcodes

This plugin works in conjunction with the Theme Blvd framework to create shortcodes for many of the framework's internal elements....Popular Score : 17,800,000

10. Theme Blvd Sliders

When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin gives you slick interface to build custom sliders....Popular Score : 11,400,000