Top 10 Most Popular Xprofile Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular xprofile wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Export User Data

Export users data, metadata and buddypress xprofile data to a csv or Excel file...Popular Score : 147,000,000

2. Author Avatars List

Display lists of user avatars using widgets or shortcodes....Popular Score : 51,400,000

3. Bp Force Profile

A plugin to force buddypress users to complete the required fields of their profiles...Popular Score : 15,700,000

4. BP xProfile Location

A BuddyPress plugin that creates a xProfile Location field type that use the Google Places API...Popular Score : 11,600,000

5. Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type

Buddypress 2.0 required! This plugin add custom field types to Buddypress Xprofile extension. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url, ......Popular Score : 9,690,000

6. BuddyPress Profile Widget for Blogs

BuddyPress Profile Widget for Blogs is a BuddyPress plugin which allows blog admins to show their BuddyPress profile on their blogs....Popular Score : 6,730,000

7. BP xprofile range field

This plugin add range field types to Buddypress Xprofile Fields....Popular Score : 2,610,000

8. BP XProfile WordPress User Sync

Replaces the default BuddyPress xProfile Name field with First Name and Last Name fields and keeps these in sync with WordPress user profile fields....Popular Score : 2,220,000

9. BuddyPress Group-O-Matic

BuddyPress Group-O-Matic automatically adds members to groups based on extended profile field responses....Popular Score : 1,880,000

10. CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync

CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync keeps a WordPress and BuddyPress user profile in sync with a CiviCRM contact....Popular Score : 1,290,000