Author: Aaron Brazell Related WordPress Plugins

Podcast Searcher by Clarify

The Podcast Searcher plugin uses Clarify's technology to make audio and video searchable. It uses automatic speech recognition to extract spoken English, Spanish, and French and lets you retrieve detailed information about your media with simple API calls. Getting started takes minutes....

Embargo Press Release


WP Twitter Pitch

WP-TwitterPitch is all about getting the pitch delivered to you in the form you want to get it delivered - in other words in Twitter format. If you're like me, then your Twitter direct message box is a lot like your email inbox. Personally, I don't want to get pitches from PR companies in certain em.........

Brightcove Video Connect

Are you looking to handle your Brightcove Video and Playlist library natively from within WordPress? With this plugin, developed by, you have the power to handle multiple accounts and video libraries, upload videos and add them to playlists, render shortcodes with your videos and all from .........

Meaty Avatars

Leverages the web site to replace WordPress avatars with images of meat. Forked from Technosailor's Superheroes Avatar plugin....

Superhero Avatars

Leverages the Marvel Comics(TM) API to replace avatars with Superhero avatars....


Users can designate a specific keyword that will be used in providing featured content. If you have ever seen a breaking news alert on, say,, then you can possibly see the value of keyword based "content floating". Need everything tagged 'Mumbai' to show up as 'featured'? What about 'Red Sox.........


This plugin provides geodata for posts associated with authors utilizing Brightkite, the location based micro-content social network. Brightkite provides data regarding the users activities via KML. This plugin parses the KML to determine latitude and longitude and geotags RSS2 and Atom feeds accor.........

Easy Graphs

Everyone likes data visualizations so I wrote a plugin that will make the quick and secure creation of Pie Charts, Bar Charts and Line Charts easy. The answer is: Easy Graphs. Easy graphs is very simple to use. It's a shortcode - [easy_graphs] Not just like that. The shortcode also requires one pa.........

Google Code Commit Tracking

Whenever you make an SVN commit on a Google Code project, you can instruct Google to send a notice to someplace else. Utilizing the upcoming custom post type functionality in WordPress 3.0, this plugin creates a new content type called SVN and inserts the post commit messages from Google Code into W.........

Google Maps Shell

This plugin is for developers and is meant to be used to enable Google Maps integration. While it does come with a default location, developers will want to feed the plugin a nested array of location data. This data can be manually curated or retrieved through external means. You need to use the fi.........

Sortable Sticky Posts

Adds a new admin settings section to the Settings > Reading table. Drag and drop Sticky Posts in the order you want them considered by WordPress. (Note: You still have to set posts as sticky on the post edit screen for sticky posts to show up)...

API Request Collector

This is a very simple plugin that creates a new adminbar menu with a list of pertinent API calls used on a page. However, no good thing happens in a vacuum, and you good folks, are developers. In order to log API calls, you should invoke the log_api_call() method of the $ab_api_logger global objec.........

yolink Search for WordPress

yolink Search for WordPress delivers better search on your site or blog instantly. yolink's powerful indexing technology provides relevance-based results, plus a wealth of extra features like sharing integrations, keyword highlighting, multisite search, and related articles. Note: In order for sear.........