Author: Adam Brown Related WordPress Plugins

KB Backtick Comments

Although there are many plugins available for pasting code into posts, this is the first I'm aware of for pasting code into comments. It's very simple: To have code look right, all your commenters have to do is surround it in backticks, just like you can do in the support forums. For .........

KB Robots.txt

When robots (like the Googlebot) crawl your site, they begin by requesting and checking it for special instructions. Use this plugin to create and edit your robots.txt file from within WordPress (using Options -> Robots.txt). Whenever a user (or a robot, more likely.........


GoogleMapper uses the Google Map API to provide the ability to: Create and manage custom sets of marker icons Create and manage Map Groups that use a subset of your custom icons Create and manage Maps Additional features allow you to: specify a zoom level at which the map should switch to larg.........

KB Linker

KB Linker will link phrases you specify to sites you specify. For example, you could make it so that whenever "WordPress" occurs in a post it is automatically linked to All you do is enter keyword/URL pairs into the Options=>KB Linker page in your admin menu. You'll find more deta.........

KB Easy PicasaWeb

There are many PicasaWeb plugins for WordPress; I counted 8 of them before writing this plugin, and tried using several. (There are now over 50!) Unfortunately, most of them are annoying. Either they have poor documentation, or they require you to insert funny things into your posts, or they are slo.........

KB Advanced RSS Widget

WordPress comes with a default RSS widget, but you get no control over how the feed shows up in your sidebar. Want more control? The KB Advanced RSS widget gives it to you. With it, you can Decide which RSS fields to display (as opposed to the default RSS widget, which limits you to link, title, a.........

KB Survey

There are several plugins out there for administering one-item sidebar polls. This is not one of them. This plugin is for administering multi-item surveys--the sort of thing you might use in market research or a sociological study. You can view the results online in summary form, or you can export t.........

KB Countdown Widget

Ever wanted to track a pregnancy, or the time until the next elections, or your baby's precise age, or something else that will surely fascinate all your readers? Maybe you even wanted a cool bargraph showing how far you've progressed between two dates? Introducing KB Countdown, which does just that.........

KB Gradebook

Students are frequently more concerned about their grades than they ought to be. Reduce some of their academic stress by letting them see what you've recorded for them in your grade book. If you're like me, you'll be surprised how frequently your students notice that you mis-recorded a grade. Includ.........