Author: Anshul Gangrade Related WordPress Plugins

Animated Headline

Animated Headline is a plugin to show, animated headline using short-code. It was very easy to use, Just use animated headline shortcode....

Classic Facebook Feeds

Classic Facebook Feed is a plugin for display facebook feed on your blog or site. Here you can Get feed fron any Facebook Page. This plugin use Facebook Opengraph API so its highly customizable and you can style the feeds the way you like....

Simply Login Register

Simply Login Regiser is a easy way to create login and register page by usring short code. for create login page use [slr_login] shortcode and for register page add [slr_register] code on page....

Mobile Address Bar Changer

Mobile Address Bar Changer Change the color of the address bar of chrome browser on android mobile devices. uses the theme-color meta tag which is used in browsers such as Google Chrome to customize the mobile browser. there is a back end setting to change color on address bar on mobile device. We u.........

Custom Background Changer

Custom Background Changer is a simlpe way to change separate background color or image for each post, page. The Custom Background Changer plugin supports the following features: Choose background color Add a background image Options for vertical & horizontal repeating Options for Backgrou.........

Simple Recent Posts Widget

Simple way to displaying Recent Post Widget with date, post thumbnail. Its highly customizable for every theme developer to make change as his / her need....

Funny Text

A WordPress plugin for Create funny and crazy moving texts in a simple way. For Funny Text use a below shortcode [funnytext text="Your Text" speed="1000" color="#000000" activeColor="#ffffff" fontSize="18px" direction="both" borderColo.........