Author: Boris Related WordPress Plugins

Optin Forms

Create Beautiful Optin Forms With Ease! Optin Forms allows you to create stunning optin forms for your blog or website, without the need to know any HTML or CSS. Simply select your email solution, pick a form design and customize its appearance. Add your form to your posts and pages with a simple m.........

WP Alphabetic Navigation

If you need a simple plugin to navigate through your posts by first letter use this plugin....

BP Xtra Signup

This plugin lets you add a Terms of Service checkbox and, optionally, a Mailchimp signup checkbox to your BuddyPress registration page. Additionally, an ajax username availability check, a password strength meter, email check and date of birth check can be activated....

All-in-One WP Migration

The plugin allows you to export your database, media files, plugins, and themes. You can apply unlimited find/replace operations on your database and the plugin will also fix any serialization problems that occur during find/replace operations. All in One WP Plugin is the first plugin to offer true.........

All-in-One Event Calendar

The All-in-One Event Calendar from Timely is a beautiful way to list your events in WordPress and easily share them with the rest of the world. Our calendar system combines clean visual design with a powerful set of features to create the most advanced calendar system available for WordPress....


The famous Adobe Flash Plugins (SimpleViewer, TiltViewer, AutoViewer, PostcardViewer) from Airtight Interactive for NextGEN Gallery. Check NextGEN ImageFlow for another add-on for your NextGEN Gallery installation....

WooCommerce PayPlug

PayPlug propose une solution de paiement très avantageuse pour les activités basées en Europe.... Share Button додатокот ви овозможува да додадете копче за споделување на вашите написи на македонскиот агрегатор на вести - Додатокот ви нуди можност да изберете помеѓу три интерактивни копчиња со кои можете да гласате за вестта, додека тоа не беше случај во претходната. копчето по ваш и.........

0mk Shortener Shortener генерира краток линк за Вашите написи користејќи го македонскиот кратач на линкови - Нула[точка]мк....

Super Emails for WooCommerce

With Super Emails for WooCommerce you can display your products on transactional emails sent to your customers. Transactional emails are very important because there are the truly only ones entirely read by customers. And studies show +100% conversion rate on them. As soon as you activate the extens.........


Don't you ever get tired of your CMS bad management of french typography ? Ellipsis, hyphenation, quotes, there are a lot of things that are not well managed by neither the browser, nor WordPress. And on a Responsive Web Design, a bad arrangement of characters can be very ugly. TypoFR is a WordPres.........

Woocommerce USPS Address Verification API

This plugin is using USPS API to verify the address customer entered on woocommerce checkout page, without disturbing the customer and blocking payment. If USPS API can correct and standardize the address it does just that, if not then it puts the order ON-HOLD and sends an email to the admin that o.........


This plugin lets you remove menu items with drag & drop. It basically simplifies the process of deleting the menus which can be really time consuming if you have a lot of menus. sTRASHo is located in your Appearance > Menus menu. ...

BP Advanced SEO

BP Advanced SEO handles the SEO not only for the BuddyPress part of your site, but also for your blog posts. Descriptions are being generated automatically, if you choose not to write your own. Keywords will be generated by combining post tags and user-input keywords.... Widget Widget додатокот ги прикажува најпопуларните и најнови блог написи од блоговите кои ги агрегира