Author: Brian Layman Related WordPress Plugins

Spam Destroyer

Stops automated spam while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. The Spam Destroyer plugin is intended to be effortless to use. Simply install, and enjoy a spam free website :)...

Smart Passworded Pages

The Smart Passworded Pages plugin enhances WordPress by allowing the creation of central login pages that grant access to any number of passworded child pages. In this fashion you can give each client/member/organization a central place to enter a password and they will be taken to the page that has.........

WP Multi Network

Turn your multi-site installation of WordPress into many multi-site networks, all surrounding one central user base. WP Multi Network allows cape wearing super-admins to create new networks of sites, allowing for infinitely extensible site, network, and domain arrangements....

SCuD - The ShortCode Disabler

When you add this plugin, a metabox is added to the edit post/page screens that allows you to disable ShortCodes in that one particular post/page. Admittedly, this plugin may not be widely needed by the general public. However if you are a plugin developer or documenter, you might find it very usefu.........

Word Filter Plus

Word Filter Plus allows you to replace one word or phrase on your blog, with another word or phrase. It can do this passively, by replacing content as it is displayed, leaving your database unchanged. It can do this actively, by updating the content as it is created or edited, leaving the display of.........

Per Page Sidebars

This plugin allows the creation and display of custom sidebars for any page (or post) on your site. On each page, you can choose which of your current theme's sidebars will be replaced. The replacement works for all descendants of a replaced page. In this fashion you can: 1. Easily create a CMS lik.........

Spam Catharsis

Catharsis. Definition: The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed [spam]. This plugin is not needed for a plain, vanilla installation of WordPress. However, if you have a plugin that replaces your commenting system, a plugin such as Intense Debate, your blog ma.........

http:BL WordPress Plugin

http:BL WordPress Plugin allows you to verify IP addresses of clients connecting to your blog against the Project Honey Pot database. Thanks to http:BL API you can quickly check whether your visitor is an email harvester, a comment spammer or any other malicious creature. Communication with verifica.........