Author: Brice Capobianco Related WordPress Plugins

WP Plugin Info Card

PREMIUM ADD-ON - WP Envato Affiliate CardHow does it work? WP Plugin Info Card lets you display plugins & themes identity cards in a beautiful box with a smooth 3D rotation effect, or in a more large and responsive layout. It uses plugins API & themes API to fetch data. All y.........


FEEDZY RSS Feeds is a small and lightweight RSS aggregator plugin. Fast and very easy to use, it allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into your WordPress site through fully customizable shortcodes & widgets. The plugin uses the SimplePie php CLASS natively included in WordPress. SimplePie.........

Simple Revisions Delete

What does it do? It helps you keep a clean database by removing unnecessary posts revisions. Unlike other similar plugins, it lets you delete only specific posts revisions, not all your site revisions at once. The plugin is perfectly integrated in the WordPress back-end, and uses native core functi.........

Adblock Notify by b*web

Adblock Notify has been blacklisted by adblocker softwares but it is still working properly with the "Random selectors and files" option. Make sure to disable your adblocker to view screenshots in and in your admin area to view all the plugin's options fields and the dashboard widget. .........

Re-add text underline and justify

In WordPress 4.7, the core developper team decided to make various changes in the editor, including removing the underline and justify buttons and rearranging some of the toolbar buttons. If you don't want to change the way you edit your content and/or don't want to confuse your customers with a new.........