Author: Captain Theme Related WordPress Plugins

Stop Auto Image LInk

You know when you're adding an image to your latest post and you always have to change the 'Link To' option so that your image doesn't link anywhere? It's super annoying. Just install this plugin and it will automatically select the 'No Link' option. Magic! It's inspired by a post made by WordPres.........

Captain Typekit

You can easily include Typekit's embed code with this handy plugin. Just install, enter your Typekit Kit ID and Captain Typekit will take care of the rest. After entering in your Kit's ID, you can even view all the fonts currently in the kit, their Font Family CSS Values, the variations you've incl.........

Captain Social

This is a pretty simple plugin that allows you easily insert nice social media icons in your site! It comes with some nice CSS styling and more importantly, the icons are all RETINA-READY! After installing the plugin you'll have the new Captain Social Settings page found under Settings, where you c.........

Recipe Hero Labels

With this plugin, a new settings tab will appear under the Recipe Hero settings, allowing you to customise the following 'labels': Serves Equipment Prep Time Cook Time Cuisine Course It's recommended to translate the plugin for finer control over the text output, but I understand that there are .........

Recipe Hero BigOven

This plugin integrates your site with BigOven so you can add a 'Save Recipe to BigOven' button. You can use the Recipe Hero BigOven settings to automatically add it to the top of your recipes. Additionally, it comes with a [rhbigoven] shortcode that will add a save button anywhere too. Support Do.........

Captain Analytics

After installing the plugin, you'll have the Captain Analytics page under your Settings menu, where you can enter your tracking property ID (UA Code), and before you know it you'll have asynchronous Google Analytics tracking on your website! Want to support the continue development of this plugin.........

WooCommerce Move Reviews

WooCommerce Move Reviews will add a small metabox to the Edit Review page in WordPress, where you'll be able to choose a different Product to 'move' the review to. This can be pretty handy if for some reason you want a new product to have the old reviews from another product. You can find the revi.........