Author: Chris Klosowski Related WordPress Plugins

Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete e-commerce solution for selling digital products in a light, performant, and easy to use plugin. Rather that attempting to provide every feature under the sun, Easy Digital Downloads makes selling digital simple and complete by providing just the features you nee.........

WP Block Semalt

Pretty simple. Just blocks with a 403. If your web host uses a web server that doesn't support .htaccess, then this plugin is for you. If your host supports .htaccess, you should try, as this is the best method....

Pushover Notifications for WordPress

Using the Pushover Notifications application on your iOS/Android device in conjunction with your WordPress blog and this plugin, you can be notified of events happening on your blog as Push Notifications on your mobile device. Currently supports notifications for new users, comments, pingback/track.........

Pushover Notifications for Jetpack

Currently only supports the Stats Module of Jetpack, but more are in the works. Get a daily re-cap of your most viwed page and your total visits pushed directly to your mobile device through Pushover Notifiations for WordPress Jetpack integration. This plugin requires that Pushover Notifiations for.........

Easy Digital Downloads - Digital Badge

Make it clear that your products are digital and will be downloaded, not physically delivered with a simple, customizable badge. This plugin will extend the title of your downloads with the string of your choice, like [digital] or [download]. Individually actiavte for each product in your catalog. .........

Better AdSense Targeting

Using the Google AdSense Section Targeting will help the ads being displayed be more releveant to the content on your pages. This plugin lets you determine the areas of your site that will be used to select ads. You can find out more about Section Targeting at the following URL: What is section tar.........

WooCommerce Backorder Report

The 'Out of Stock' report supplied by WooCommerce can be confusing when you deal with backorders as it includes ALL items, even those not allowing backorders. WooCommerce Backorders Report gives you an easy to read table of all products that have backorders enabled and are below the limit you set o.........


Have you noticed that your site is lacking something? Are you experiencing problems with WordPress and/or a plugin and/or a theme and/or your indigestion? If this sounds like you, we recommend installing this plugin right away....

Post Promoter Pro - Subtitles

Post Promoter Pro - Subtitles adds support for the freely available Subtitles plugin by Phillip Arthur Moore ( It adds the {post_subtitle} replacement to allow Post Promoter Pro to include it in your social media posts....

EDD - Status Board

EDD - Status Board Integrates the Easy Digital Downloads API with the Status Board iPad app. Using your Easy Digital Downloads API Key and Tokens, you can display 3 different bar graphs: Last 7 days sales Last 7 days earnings A Hybrid of last 7 days sales & earnings ...

WP e-Commerce - Status Board

WP e-Commerce - Status Board Integrates the WP e-Commerce Sales Logs with the Status Board iPad app. You can add the graphs to Status Board via the Button or manually with information in the contextual help on the default WP e-Commerce Sales Logs page in wp-admin....

Twitter Tools - URLs

With your URL Shortener API key, you can now use Twitter Tools to Tweet your new posts, using URLS and view your 10 most recent posts with URLs in your Dashboard....

WP Plugin Banner

This plugin adds the shortcode [plugin_banner], so you can quickly and easily display the banner image from the repository for the given plugin slug. For example, to display the banner image of this plugin you would use: [plugin_banner slug="wp-plugin-banner"] By default i.........

Easy Digital Downloads - Additional Shortcodes

As simple as it sounds. Adds some additional shortcodes to the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. The shortcodes included all need opening and closing tags: Show only if the cart has items in it [edd_cart_has_contents]Content Here[/edd_cart_has_contents] Show only if the cart is empty [edd_cart_is_emp.........