Author: Chris Reynolds Related WordPress Plugins

Book Review Library

The Book Review Library plugin allows you to create a library of books, with reviews, that include sortable meta information like author, illustrator, genre, subjects as well as ratings. This enables you to list all the books of a particular type (e.g. all books written by a particular author or wit.........

IE 6 Countdown

This plugin simplifies participation in Microsoft's campaign to eradicate Internet Explorer 6 from the face of the planet. There are a lot of plugins that request users in a non-obtrusive (or, in the case of Upgrade Else DIE very obtrusive) way, but this one is based on the official Internet Explor.........

Progress Bar

This plugin does one thing: it creates a simple (but nice-looking) CSS3 progress bar that you can style with your own CSS and use wherever you want with a simple shortcode. Now with support for custom colors and gradients. To add a progress bar to a post or a page, simply use this shortcode: [wppb.........

Update Shaming

The purpose of this plugin is to shame content editors into updating page content that has not been touched in a long time, while simultaneously providing an overview of the oldest pages on a site. Also: gifs. The plugin adds an Out of Date Pages subpage under the Pages menu, which breaks all the p.........

Internet Defense League Cat Signal

The Internet Defense League is an online activist group organized to defend your online freedoms. When a bill is threatening to pass that would inhibit the way you live your online life, they put up the Cat Signal, a way to collectively black out or put notices on a large number of websites simultan.........

Event Espresso Requirements Check

This plugin checks your server for some basic environment information to ensure compatibility with Event Espresso, the premium event management plugin for WordPress. While it's possible to use this plugin for general environment information, it is primarily focussed on providing information that wou......... is a service developed by the MIT Media Lab to inform people what the best ways of getting in touch with you are. This plugin allows you to use the embed code for your profile without having to modify any of your theme's php files. Once installed and activated, you don't ne.........

Pluralsight WordPress Widget

This plugin adds a list of Pluralsight courses by author (by tag coming soon) as either a widget or a shortcode. The widget includes controls to determine what fields to include (first name, last name and date published), where to display the Pluralsight logo (above or below the course list) and how.........


Adds a media component to BuddyPress to allow users to attach media to activity postings and user generated media albums....

Press Page

A WordPress plugin to display a custom post type for press features in a horizontal sliding scroll This plugin uses the following GitHub project: Smooth-Div-Scroll by tkahn Demo...

WP Art Store

Art Store allows artists to sell their work on their own WordPress website using PayPal (or any other third-party payment processor). A horizontal-scrolling gallery with each artwork can be used via a shortcode. Using the Gallery The included gallery uses a jQuery library called SmoothDivScroll by.........


Rethinking how WordPress handles help in the admin. Be sure and check the Changelog and FAQ for what's been added and where. This plugin is currently a work-in-progress. For the latest, bleeding-edge updates, check out the Github repo:

Contextual Help

This is an experimental plugin for consideration and testing towards WordPress 3.8 as part of the Dashboard Help project. All this plugin does is move the help tab into the admin bar. For more information or to provide feedback or get involved, head over to the Make/Docs P2 site....

CCG Manager

CCG Manager is a way to store your collectable card game trading cards in WordPress. It's based off of desktop apps like Magic Suitcase which store your card collections and allow you to search through your inventory.  Using custom post types and taxonomies, you can store information about your car.........

Color Help

This plugin changes the color of the help tab in wp-admin. It also is part of the Admin Help Improvements project for WordPress 3.8....