Author: Claude Related WordPress Plugins

Social Login

Social Login is a professionally developed and free WordPress (BuddyPress compatible) plugin that allows your visitors to comment, login and register with 30+ Social Networks like for example Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Instagram, Вконтакте and Yahoo. Make your blog so.........

Basic Bilingual

Allows you to set the language of individual posts and pages and to summarize them in other languages. The excerpts are automatically inserted right before the post content, with the correct language attribute. The correct language attribute is also set on the post titles and original content. If .........

WP LinkedIn

Following the modifications to the LinkedIn developer program, version 2.0 of this plugin introduces breaking changes. More information on This plugin provides you with shortcodes to insert your full LinkedIn profile and a rotating scroller of your LinkedIn recommendations in any WordP.........

WP FEvents Book

Creates unlimited number of Events that can be booked by users. Displays - in the same page of the form booking Event - the list of users that booked their partecipation to the Event. You can use a shortcode to place the booking form anywhere in your posts or articles. The User must be logged in .........

Better Image Credits

This plugin adds credits, link and license fields to media uploads and offer several options to display image credits on your posts and pages. You can either: Use the [image-credit] shortcode. Optional attributes are sep, before, after and template (use curly brackets instead of square brackets fo.........

Featured Favicons

A plugin that uses the featured image in your posts as a favicon for that post. You can also set a default favicon and use it as a default featured image....

LT Unleashed

That plugin offers shortcodes and widgets so you can display any public LibraryThing books collection in WordPress. [books username="username"] Displays the books of the given LibraryThing user. This shortcode only uses the LibraryThing API and will work even if you don't provide an AWS key pair. .........

Ultimate Tabbed Widgets

A plugin that allows you to create widget areas that can be turned into tabs or accordion using widgets or shortcodes. Use the settings page to define as many widgets areas as you want then use the "Ultimate Tabbed Widgets" widget to show those areas as a set of tabs or an accordion in your sidebar.........

Glitterific Comment Translator

Automatically turns hate comments into fan comments. There is no reason to continuously pore over the same boring and misogynistic comments from internet trolls any longer! With the Glitterific Comment Translator all your blog comments can be as fresh and sparkly as you are. Based on code from Dan.........

WordPress Special Characters in Usernames

This plugin enables usernames containing special characters (russian, cyrillic, arabic) on your WordPress Blog. Per default WordPress does not allow to use special characters in usernames. Non-latin characters are filtered out and your users cannot create accounts containing cyrillic (russian) or .........

Simple AirBnB Listings Importer

This plugin allows you to import public listings from AirBnB into WordPress. By default, listings are imported as posts but there are a few hooks that you can use to customize the import process. Check the code to find them and how to use them....