Author: David Chandra Purnama Related WordPress Plugins

f(x) SSL

f(x) SSL is a very simple plugin to force your site to use HTTPS. After installation of this plugin, you can enable this in "Settings > General" under "SSL (HTTPS)" Section. Features: Super simple and easy to use. Only one checkbox. Clear installation instruction. Integrate to the WordPress ".........

f(x) Private Site

f(x) Private Site is a very simple plugin to set the site to members only website. After installation of this plugin, you can enable this in "Settings > Reading" in "Private Site" Section. Features: Super simple. Integrate to the WordPress "Reading" Settings seamlessly. Also protect RSS Feed .........

f(x) Login Notification

f(x) Login Notification plugin is a security utility plugin to let you know who log to your site with other useful information such as user information and IP address via configurable email message. After you install and activate this plugin, you can configure via Login Notification settings page i.........

f(x) Share

f(x) Share is a very simple sharing plugin. You can easily add Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ share button to your content. After installation of this plugin, you can configure where to display and reorder your sharing buttons via the "Customizer" page under the "Appearance" menu where you can see .........

f(x) SEO

f(x) SEO is a basic SEO Plugin. WordPress is SEO-friendly enough to get our site crawled and indexed properly but lack in some area to modify title tag and add proper meta description. And that is all this plugins do. After installation of this plugin, you can configure title and meta description t.........

f(x) Categories Widget

f(x) Categories Widget will register a custom widget "Categories +" it's just like WordPress default Categories Widget, but with taxonomy option just like in Tag Cloud widget. Features: Simple and easy to use. Works flawlessly for multiple widget instances. Select all build in taxonomy (such as c.........

f(x) Login Customizer

f(x) Login Customizer is a plugin to design and modify WordPress login page using Customize API. After installation of this plugin, you upload logo and change your login page background from "Appearance > Customize Login". Features: Super simple and easy to use. Upload custom logo. Change bac.........

f(x) Skype Link Enabler

f(x) Skype Link Enabler is a very simple plugin to allow skype protocol in WordPress menu URL. This plugin will allow you to use "" in custom menu URL field. Without this plugin, WordPress will not recognize "skype:" protocol and remove your skype link. This plugin will also enable .........

f(x) Editor

f(x) Editor is a plugin to enhance your content editing experience by enabling WordPress features such as Page Break and Text Background Color/Highlight. You can also easily create information boxes, colorful buttons, and columns to make your content richer and engage to your audience more. After .........

f(x) Profile Dashboard Widget

f(x) Profile Dashboard Widget add a Dashboard Widget to edit user profile. Sometimes admin user profile has too many option, such as visual editor, admin bar, admin color scheme, etc. And it's too confusing to user. With this plugin user can edit profile page easily directly in dashboard admin scre.........

f(x) TOC

f(x) TOC Simple Table Of Contents Plugin. Just add [toc] shortcode in content to display. This plugin will parse and grab all heading (h1 -h6) in your content and display it as structured table of contents (just like tabble of contents). Features: Super simple and easy to use. Auto .........

f(x) Photo Tag

f(x) Photo Tag: Add label and tag to your photo/image just like facebook! After installation of this plugin, you can tag your photo in "Media > Photo Tag". And create a photo tag item. Features: Super simple and easy to use. Add label/tag image/photo like facebook. Easy to embed photo in post.........

f(x) Builder

f(x) Builder is a new page builder plugin that provides visual columns in the post editor without using shortcodes. From the setting page, you can enable it for posts, pages, and custom post types. There is no vendor lock-in. If you decide you no longer wish to use the plugin, you can disable it wit.........

f(x) Email Log

f(x) Email Log is a simple plugin to log all email sent via WordPress. Simply visit "Tools > Email Log" Admin Page to see all your email logs. You can delete the log manually or bulk. It will log all your email including the one sent by your favorite contact form plugins. Features: Easy to us.........

f(x) Maps

f(x) Maps is a plugin to display Google Maps with marker using [fx-maps] shortcode. Very useful if you want to display your business location in your about page or contact page. Features: Very easy to use. Get your current location in map. Auto complete map search. Display map anywhere in page co.........