Author: David Dean Related WordPress Plugins

Networks for WordPress

Adds a Networks panel allowing network admins to create and manage multiple Networks from one WordPress installation. Each Network can exist on its own domain, and have its own set of blogs / Sites. Each Network can have its own set of plugins, themes, administrators, permissions, and policies, bu.........

BP Group Organizer

This plugin creates an administrative interface for organizing all of your BuddyPress groups. Based on the WordPress Menu editor, BP Group Organizer makes it simple to get your BuddyPress groups just the way you want them, or just to get a handle on the growth of your site. Easily create groups i.........

WP Multi Network

Turn your multi-site installation of WordPress into many multi-site networks, all surrounding one central user base. WP Multi Network allows cape wearing super-admins to create new networks of sites, allowing for infinitely extensible site, network, and domain arrangements....

bbPress Topics for Posts

Adds an option to the Discussion meta box to use a bbPress topic instead of WordPress comments, and displays that topic beneath the post on your site. You can let the plugin create a new topic for you in the forum of your choice, or specify an existing topic to attach to the post. A topic can be at.........

BuddyPress Mandatory Groups

Site administrators can enforce group membership policy with BuddyPress by using the BuddyPress Mandatory Groups plugin. Users locked in to a group or group are unable to leave that group. Functions are available for system integrators to add membership enforcement to other processes....

BP Group Hierarchy

Break free from the tyranny of a flat group list! This plugin allows group creators to place a new group under an existing group. There is currently no limit to the depth of the group hierarchy. Every group and subgroup is a normal BuddyPress group and can have members and a forum, use group exte.........

JSON Data Shortcode

This shortcode lets you pull data into your pages via JSON. Supports unlimited levels of nesting! Built-in caching of results keeps your data providers happy, but can be tailored to your needs with a configurable lifetime. You can use it one of two ways (but not necessarily on the same page - see t.........

BuddyPress Group Reservation

Used by exclusive sites everywhere to attract the A-listers. Upon registering, a user with a reservation is automatically added to one or more groups....