Author: Denis V (Artprima) Related WordPress Plugins

WI Games widget Plugin

WI Games Widget plug-in is created to simplify installation of a widget which will allow your users to play hundreds of fascinating games without leaving your site as much as possible, and at the same time to gain additional income having placed in it the advertizing codes. (More info http://wi-gam.........

IP Dependent Cookies

Each time you login to your blog WordPress creates a session cookie which is used to authenticate you. By default if someone somehow gets your cookies he (or she) is able to use them to compromise your blog (even without having to know your password!). To prevent this you may want to make your auth .........

AP HoneyPot WordPress Plugin

AP HoneyPot WordPress Plugin, based on Jan Stępień's http:BL, allows you to verify IP addresses of clients connecting to your blog against the Project Honey Pot database. Thanks to http:BL API you can quickly check whether your visitor is an email harvester, a comment spammer or any other malicious .........


Foodlist is a plugin for restaurants, cafés, bars, etc. that want to display their menus online. With this plugin you can easily manage your menus (the same way as you do it with your widgets). Menus consist of sections and sections consist of items. You can reuse your items in multiple sections, a.........

AP Twig Bridge

AP Twig Bridge is a bridge between WordPress and Twig. WordPress is a great system mainly because of its simplicity, but it is a headache to create templates for it. PHP-mess is not good for creating templates, that's why there are different template engines. Twig is a new powerful template engine d.........