Author: Dennis Ploetner Related WordPress Plugins


Just another widget to show a photo, a bio and some social media links with nice webfont-icons The plugin is using the JustVector Social Icons Font created by Alex Peattie....


Most people are likely to use some lines of PHP or the widget provided by the Multisite Language Switcher to integrate the links to the translations in their blogs. But if you look for an easy way to change the output of the Multisite Language Switcher as an HTML select with some JavaScript that fo.........


Most people are likely to use some lines of PHP or the widget provided by the Multisite Language Switcher to integrate the links to the translations in their blogs. But this can lead to fatal errors if you don't know much about PHP, or maybe the dynamic sidebars are not the best place in your opini.........

Multisite Language Switcher

A simple, powerful and easy to use plugin that will add multilingual support to a WordPress multisite installation, i.e. multiple subdomains or folders (if you need to set up multiple sites across multiple domains, you'll also want to use the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin as well - as long as.........

Multisite Taxonomy Widget

Display a recent posts-widget of all your posts in your blog-network which have a specific tag, category or any other built-in or custom taxonomy....


Now you can maintain and verify the state of the backlinks on the linking pages from your link-exchange-partners....


Simple code highlighting plugin for your remote source files It is powered by the GeSHi engine which supports a large number of programming languages The plugin is using styles like Code Snippet. Thanks to Roman Roan and Wyatt Neal. In addition, I would like to thank Jürgen Mayer for making the ba.........