Author: Dominik Schwind Related WordPress Plugins

Language Taxonomy

Adds a language taxonomy to posts, pages and other items. This will add a URL scheme (Your Blog)/lang/(slug). There is also a template tag for usage within the loop. Example: <?php if(function_exists('lt_the_language')): ?> <?php lt_the_language($post_id); ?> <?php end.........

Category Description Widget

Enables a widget with the category description. This is useful if the theme you are using is not showing this information. Works on tags and other taxonomies as well....

NoseRub for WordPress

If you have an account on a social network site powered by NoseRub, i.e. this plugin provides a couple of widgets to show your lifestream your hCard, your contacts and, on newer installations of NoseRub, your services. You can also choose to use your weblog as an OpenID-URL, powered by.........

WP Advent

With this plugin you can create a advent calendar on your WP site. It is using shortcodes, so it is possible to add the calendar to a regular post, a page or any other post type. Multiple calendars and calendar years are supported....

Instagram Embed Fix

Embedding Instagram posts was broken at the moment. This plugin provided a temporary and dirty solution. It is not necessary anymore and the current version does not do anything. At all. Empty plugin. Don't install it. In fact, if you have it installed: delete it....

Instagramy Goodness

This plugin runs once a week to create a post with the Instagram photos you took since it ran the last time. It is possible to have the plugin create a WordPress-native gallery or include the photos as a list of images. The pictures are being imported into your media library. This also works for b.........