Author: Drew Jaynes Related WordPress Plugins

Redirect Link Format

If you've ever written a post using the 'link' post format, you know that the experience leaves a little something to be desired in most themes. The sole purpose of this plugin is to add a little magic to how your users interact with these link posts by simply redirecting to the given URL when some.........

Press This New Post

Easily access the direct link to your Press This posting form with this simple Toolbar addon. Use it from the front- or back-end as sort of a "Quick Draft on steroids" to easily start new posts on your site....

Post Customizer

A WordPress plugin to enhance the post editor preview. Post Customizer lets you edit your post from within the post preview screen just like the Theme Customizer. Fork the plugin on GitHub....

Enable Image Scaling on Upload

Have problems with large images clogging up your uploads directory and taking up more space than necessary? Now you an configure a set of dimensions that all images will be scaled down to when uploaded through WordPress. If you have a bug fix or wish to contribute, check out the GitHub repository. .........

Misspelling Reporter

Inspired by Eric Meyer, Imagined by #BeachPress 2013, Doubted yet contributed by Joey Kudish, we bring you Misspelling Reporter! Misspelling Reporter allows site visitors to highlight a misspelled word on your site and click the message that pops up to alert the site admin and post author of the mi.........

WP Hide Dashboard

A simple plugin that removes the Dashboard menu, the Personal Options section and the Help link on the Profile page, hides the Dashboard links in the toolbar menu (if activated), and prevents Dashboard access to users assigned to the Subscriber role. Useful if you allow your subscribers to edit thei.........

Remove Dashboard Access

Limit Dashboard access to admins only, admins + editors, admins + editors + authors, or limit by specific capability. Choose your own redirect URL Optionally allow user profile access Optionally display a message on the login screen (more info) Contribute to RDA This plugin is in active developm.........

Jazzy Generator Tag

Replaces the default generator tag output, e.g. 'WordPress 4.5' with an improved version, e.g. 'WordPress 4.5 to the sounds of Coleman Hawkins'....

Support Me

Sometimes you just need some help, and when you're working privately with support personnel for a plugin or theme, creating temporary admin accounts can be a pain. Support Me makes creating accounts for support purposes a snap: You can set support accounts to expire after a set number of minutes,.........