Author: Dzikri Aziz Related WordPress Plugins

Menu Icons

This plugin gives you the ability to add icons to your menu items, similar to the look of the latest dashboard menu....

Dependency Minification

This plugin takes all scripts and stylesheets that have been added via wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style and automatically concatenates and minifies them into logical groups. For example, scripts in the footer get grouped together and styles with the same media (e.g. print) get minified togethe.........

Settings Revisions

Now compatible with PHP≥5.2! One of the greatest features of WordPress is the Customizer which allows you to change settings and preview them in real-time, all before you publish them for everyone to see. (Go ahead and click that big Customize Your Site button on your Dashboard!) But what if you ma.........


Ask your supporters to treat you to a cup of coffee, pint of beer or some other simple treat. It is a more creative way to ask for donations via PayPal. You can use this as: Template tag get_coffee()/the_coffee() Shortcode [coffee]/[tiny_coffee] Sidebar widget Hash-activated modal screen (domain..........

KC Settings

Version 2.8 only supports WordPress 3.5+ With this plugin, you can easily create a settings/options page for you theme or plugin. You can also create metaboxes for post custom fields, and add some metadata to the terms. If you have created your settings manually prior to version 2.5 of this plugin.........

Menu Item Custom Fields

This is a library plugin. It doesn't do anything visible on its own. It was written to allow other plugins/themes to add custom fields to menu items easily. See Installation. Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests welcome. Please see issues reported there before going to the pl.........

Menu Icons: IcoMoon

IcoMoon package for Menu Icons.Usage After the plugin is activated, go to Appearance > Menus to edit your menus Enable IcoMoon in "Menu Icons Settings" meta box and click the save button Select icon by clicking on the "Select icon" link Save the menu ...

KC Media Enhancements

This plugin provides enhancements for media/attachment management; the ability to insert images with custom size into posts and set terms for the attachments files....

Plugin Dependencies

This meta-plugin allows regular plugins to specify other plugins that they depend upon. Example: /* Plugin Name: BuddyPress Debug Depends: BuddyPress, Debug Bar */ What this does: Disables activation of BuddyPress Debug until both BuddyPress and Debug Bar are already activated. When either Budd.........

Widget Attributes

This plugin is intended to be used by theme authors that need to have custom attributes for the widgets so they can define common classes for similar widgets, etc. When activated, you'll get two additional input fields in the widget configuration forms, where you can assign a custom ID and classes .........