Author: Erick Hitter Related WordPress Plugins

Jetpack by

Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools. Features include: Customization. Make your WordPress site uniquely yours with Custom CSS, Carousels, spam-free Contact Forms, Sidebar Widgets, .........

External Permalinks Redux

Allows users to point WordPress objects (posts, pages, custom post types) to a URL of their choosing, which is particularly useful for injecting non-WordPress content into loops. The object appears normally in any loop output, but visitors to the object will be redirected to the specified URL. The p.........

WP Print Friendly

Extends WordPress' template system to support printer-friendly templates for posts, pages, and custom post types. Uses WP standard template naming to support templates on a post-type basis. Supports printing paged posts on single page. Adds nice URLs for printer-friendly pages. IMPORTANT: There are.........

CDN-Powered NextGEN Galleries with Jetpack Photon

If you're using Jetpack's Photon CDN, this plugin will extend the service to galleries created with NextGEN Gallery. Just activate it and gallery images are automatically served from Photon. NextGEN Gallery's image size settings are respected, meaning you can update your gallery image sizes on the ......... Theme Updater

Your themes might need updating, but who wants to update them manually? This plugin enables seamless updating of your themes right in the WordPress updater, no fuss, no muss, even on multisite networks....

Authy Two Factor Authentication

Authy helps you proctect your WordPress site from hackers using simple two-factor authentication. You can get your free API key at Plugin development is found at

WP-Cron Control

This plugin allows you to take control over the execution of cron jobs. It's mainly useful for sites that either don't get enough comments to ensure a frequent execution of wp-cron or for sites where the execution of cron via regular methods can cause race conditions resulting in multiple execution .........

WP Revisions Control

WordPress 3.6 allows users to control how many revisions are stored for each supported post type. No longer must you rely on the WP_POST_REVISIONS constant, which applied universally. This plugin provides an interface for this new functionality. With this plugin enabled, simply visit Settings > .........

Taxonomy List Widget

Creates lists of non-hierarchical taxonomies (such as post tags) as an alternative to term (tag) clouds. Multiple widgets can be used, each with its own set of options. Numerous formatting options are provided, including maximum numbers of terms, term order, truncating of term names, and more. List.........

Taxonomy Dropdown Widget

Creates dropdown lists of non-hierarchical taxonomies (such as post tags) as an alternative to term (tag) clouds. Multiple widgets can be used, each with its own set of options. Numerous formatting options are provided, including maximum numbers of terms, term order, truncating of term names, and m.........

Date-based Taxonomy Archives

Add support for date-based taxonomy archives. Includes a function for rendering an unordered list of years with months, linked to corresponding date-based taxonomy archive, nested therein. This plugin is intended for use by plugin and theme developers. It simply adds support for date-based taxonom.........

Automatically Paginate Posts

Automatically paginate WordPress content by inserting the <!--nextpage--> Quicktag. Option is provided to control what post types are automatically paginated (default is just post). Supports post, page, and any public custom post types. Option is also provided to specify how many pages conte.........

View All Post's Pages

Provides a "view all" (single page) option for posts, pages, and custom post types paged using WordPress' <!--nextpage--> Quicktag (multipage posts). Your theme must use wp_link_pages() to generate post page links, or you must use either the automatic or manual link capabilities provided in t.........

Authy for WordPress

Enable the plugin, enter your Authy API keys, and your users can enable Authy on their accounts. Once users configure Authy through their WordPress user profiles, any login attempts will require an Authy token in addition to the account username and password. For users with mobile devices that don.........

Shiny Updates

Shiny Updates is a WordPress Core Feature Plugin. It replaces The Bleak Screen of Sadness™ (example) with a simpler and more straight forward experience when installing, updating, and deleting plugins and themes. Progress updates for these actions don't add a benefit, they are disruptive and confus.........