Author: FARAZFRANK Related WordPress Plugins

Webriti Custom Login

Webriti Custom Login plugin allows you to customize the default login page. With this plugin you can add a custom logo and customize the back ground color. It is ideal for Web Developers you would like to put their brands in front of the client. Brought to you by the fine folks at Webriti. We devel.........

Appointment Calendar

Appointment Calendar is a simple but effective plugin which enables you to take online appointment bookings on your wordpress blog. If you are a consultant/doctor/lawyer etc, you can harness the power of appointment calendar. Simply unzip and upload appointment-calendar directory to /wp-content/plu.........

Class Booking

Class Booking is a simple but effective plugin which enables you to take Class Bookings on your wordpress blog. If you are a coach / consultant/ Language Teacher etc, you can harness the power of Class Booking Plugin. Simply unzip and upload appointment-calendar directory to /wp-content/plugins/ dir.........

ReadMe Creator

ReadMe Creator is a simple plugin for creating Readme file. It provides an HTML Form for creating readme.txt. Check out the screenshots for more details. Features: 1. Create Plugin Readme file through a simple form. 2. Save all Readme File in database 3. Edit eexisting Readme file Donate Here:...