Author: Francesco Mosca Related WordPress Plugins

QR Code for Blog

This plugin permits easily to associate a Qr code on every page and post. Then you will can share the Qr code to your live campaigns, for examples you can publish the Qr Code on: Newspapers; Fliers; Bannes; Magazines; Business Card; When a person scan the Qr Code with his smartphone he will be.........

Konora Form

Questo plug-in ti permette di inviare newsletter e autorisponditori interfacciando il tuo blog con i servizzi messi a disposizione dal portale [Konora]:

Url Redirect

You can create unlimited redirections. A redirect can be used in many situations, for example: to hide an url you don’t want to show; to short a long url; to monitor the traffic of an url; to redirect the users in another page during a maintenance; to redirect user from a dormiant domain; Langua.........

Privacy Cookie Law

In compliance with new cookie law you have to inform the visitors about your cookies management. With our free plugin you can resolve quickly the problem adding on the top of your website a banner that shows your compliance status regarding the new cookie law. From this banner the visitor can clic.........

Url Rotator Manager

You can manage and distribute web traffic equally to different url; You can set up one inbound url and unlimited outbound url. Url rotator manager can be used in many situations, for example: Group campaigns; Split testing; Cross promotions; Lead generation on team; Language available only in .........

Instant Membership

Give access to exclusive contents only for your members. A member can be a person who: belongs to your mailing list; has followed your webinar; works with you; receives from you a coupon; The person has access to the contents directly in the same page of your website. The exclusive contents .........

Easy 404 Redirect

Create automatic redirects for 404 traffic and don’t lose visitors. Suggest a specific page when a visitor land on your wrong pages. Sometimes they make mistakes when write your url. Ensure your clients come always to your site! Language available only in english...

Konora paypal

Just fill the form in admin page and click \"crea\" button to create a file php whit inside a form with the information to send a paypal payment requeset. Don\'t need have a paypal account, of course i hope for you to put an email that can take the money :) (this first version is in italian only)...

Footer Pop-Up Banner

Publish your speicific events and products using a new business tool. In each wordpress page you can add a particular banner fixed on the bottom of the page. This banner is harmlesss, delicate, do not bother. It’s a powerful weapon for your promotion. You can decide the time of the exposure, when it.........