Author: Frederick D. Related WordPress Plugins

Simpler CSS

This Simpler CSS mu-plugin allows WordPress ยต hosts to enable users to add custom stylesheets to their blogs. The plugin creates a new menu item under the Appearance menu in WordPress 2.7 that allows users to enter custom CSS code that will be injected into the <head> section of their blog..........

Simpler iPaper

The Simpler iPaper plugin was created out of the need for a simpler way of embedding Scribd iPaper documents in blog posts. Other existing plugins used inefficient regular patterns instead of the Shortcode API that is standard in WordPress versions 2.5 and above. This plugin makes use of standard Sh.........

Trac Ticket Shortcode

Links directly to a ticket ("bug") on a Trac site using simple notation such as [bug 12345]. By default, this plugin is coded to link to the WordPress core Trac. Generates output such as <a href="