Author: Fulvio Notarstefano Related WordPress Plugins

WP API Menus

This plugin extends the WordPress JSON REST API with new routes for WordPress registered menus The new routes available will be: /menus list of every registered menu. /menus/<id> data for a specific menu. /menu-locations list of all registered theme locations. /menu-locations/<location&g.........

Google Calendar Events

Parses Google Calendar feeds and displays the events as a calendar grid or list on a page, post or widget....

WP Simple Pay Lite for Stripe

In a few simple steps you can add Stripe's beautiful checkout forms to your WordPress site. Stripe's forms are continually tested and optimized to maximize customer conversion. What is Stripe Checkout? "Stripe Checkout is an embeddable payment form for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. It works.........

WP Currencies

WP Currencies uses to pull currency data and currency exchange rates in WordPress. The currencies and their exchange rates will be periodically updated at intervals set from the WordPress dashboard by an administrator. The plugin is intended for developers that want to access.........

Simple Calendar - Blog Feed

A Simple Calendar add-on to display your WordPress blog posts in a calendar view....

Legacy Google Calendar Events 2.4

Disconnected from "Simple Calendar" (formerly Google Calendar Events) on to provide only critical security patches. All new features added to Simple Calendar going forward. Google Calendar Events 2.4 Legacy on GitHub Simple Calendar 3.0+ on Simple Calendar 3.0+ on Git.........

Simple Calendar - Advanced Custom Fields

Add a Simple Calendar field to Advanced Customs Fields (ACF). The field will print the corresponding calendar chosen among those available using ACF. You can use then Advanced Custom Field template functions to print the corresponding field in your templates, such as the_field( 'your_simple_calenda.........

WP PHP Console

PHP Console allows you to handle PHP errors & exceptions, dump variables, execute PHP code remotely and many other things using Google Chrome extension PHP Console and PHP Console server library. This implementation of PHP Console offers yet another tool to make it more easy to test on the .........