Author: George Related WordPress Plugins

Jetpack by

Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools. Features include: Customization. Make your WordPress site uniquely yours with Custom CSS, Carousels, spam-free Contact Forms, Sidebar Widgets, .........


In order to better combat brute force login attempts and stolen passwords, WordPress needs a standardized-yet-extensible core system for providing opt-in Two-Factor Authentication to users. This, hopefully, is that system. We are aiming to be ready to merge in to Core in February of 2016, during t.........

RICG Responsive Images

Bringing automatic default responsive images to WordPress. This plugin works by including all available image sizes for each image upload. Whenever WordPress outputs the image through the media uploader, or whenever a featured image is generated, those sizes will be included in the image tag via th.........

Customify - A Theme Customizer Booster

With Customify, developers can easily create advanced theme-specific options inside the WordPress Customizer. Using those options, a user can make presentational changes without having to know or edit the theme code. Types of Fields Color. A color picker used to control any text or background col.........

Visual Table Formatting Lite

Creating and managing colorful tables has never been more intuitive and straightforward with this plugin. The visual editor will keep you away from coding and shortcode complexity. Apply cell color and font style with a couple of clicks. The plugin has two handy import functions - used shortcodes.........


WPVM is possibly the most advanced and most complete plugin you can find to purge your cached content of your WordPress powered web site from Varnish caches....

Category Icon

A WordPress plugin to easily add an icon to a category, tag or any other taxonomy....

Add Meta Tags

Add-Meta-Tags (AMT) adds metadata to your content and WooCommerce products, including the basic description and keywords meta tags, Opengraph,, Twitter Cards and Dublin Core metadata. It also supports advanced SEO title customization letting you take control of the title generation on ev.........

Comments Ratings

Easily add a rating system to your comments area and start displaying reviews from your visitors....

Import CSV Files

Easily import posts or pages from csv files into your blog. You can select the field delimiter and map columns from the csv file to the post fields. Supports Unicode encoded files. Currently does not support custom posts and custom taxonomies. For support visit the Main Homepage Plugin Howtos...


SchmancyBox a Lightbox solution (FancyBox), built with jQuery. Customizable from the admin area. More Information & Feature Requests | How-To Guide| Original jQuery Lightbox| Some features: Works with images and iFrame content Applied easily by adding a class to any link Works as a gallery E.........

Add Headers

Adds the ETag, Last-Modified, Expires and Cache-Control headers to HTTP responses generated by WordPress for more efficient caching....

TGN Embed everything

(Copy all this into a new WordPress post to see it in action!)...


PixProof is a custom WordPress plugin that is meant to ease the way photographers interact with their clients. It allows you to have a protected straight forward environment to discuss and proof photos from photo shootings, all in a interactive, AJAX based, interface. PixProof Gallery Demo #1 (use .........

Image Banner Effects Lite

Highlight the images of your products or services with layered multi-state text, image or html animations. Mobile friendly css3 animations and responsive layers. The user interface is very intuitive to work with and will get you started in minutes. Features: - Create standalone layers without the .........