Author: Hendrik Luehrsen Related WordPress Plugins Importer

Over the last years the creative commons movement gained traction and more and more artists followed the trend of committing their work to public domain. We believe that this will contribute to making the web a better, more beautiful place. But we don’t want to be one of many. There are several asp.........

L//H WPAUTOP Extended

This plugin basically just consists of one function, that extends the functionality of WordPress own wpautop function. On several occasions a theme developer might feel the need, that a certain HTML Tag should not be wrapped in paragraphs. This plugin deactivates the standard wpautop function and .........

allfacebook Instant Articles

This plugin creates a special RSS Feed for your WordPress blog to harvest the power of Facebook Instant Articles. Instant Articles is a new technology by Facebook that will load your webpage content „instant“. That means Facebook will cache your articles on Facebooks servers and will load them with.........