Author: Hugh Lashbrooke Related WordPress Plugins

Seriously Simple Podcasting

Seriously Simple Podcasting is an easy-to-use podcasting solution for WordPress that is as powerful as it is simple. It uses a native WordPress interface and has minimal settings so as not to distract you from what you really need to do - publish your content. Primary Features Simple settings so .........

WordPress SEO Tamer

WordPress SEO by Yoast is a fantastic plugin for optimising your site's search engine performance. The only problem is that it makes a mess of your WordPress dashboard by adding columns, meta boxes and custom fields that can be very confusing for you and your clients. These additional items are grea.........

Quick Empty Trash

"Quick Empty Trash" is a small utility plugin that saves you time when emptying the trash for any post type. It adds an 'empty trash' button to every post type's list table, so that you can empty the trash for that post type without having to load the list of trashed posts first. This helps if you h.........

WooCommerce Email Validation

"WooCommerce Email Validation" is a small extension for WooCommerce that adds a 'confirm email address' field to the checkout page as a required field. This will ensure that your customers will enter a correct email address, making managing your orders far easier and more reliable. If a customer's e.........

WooCommerce Smart Sale Badge

"WooCommerce Smart Sale Badge" enhances the built-in sale badge by displaying the total saving amount a customer will receive. The plugin works with all the WooCommerce product types - simple and external products will display a badge that says 'Save $X!', while variable and grouped products will di.........

Code Snippet Library

"Code Snippet Library" is designed for use on code tutorial sites - it gives you a way to store code snippets that you can use numerous times in any post. You simply create the snippet and place the relevant shortcode where you want it to appear. The snippets are managed using WordPress' taxonomy UI.........

Post Hit Counter

"Post Hit Counter" does what it says on the tin - it counts how many hits your posts receive. Hit counts are displayed in a new column in the post list table, in the submit box on the post edit screen and in the admin bar on the frontend. Plugin Features Easily visible hit counts in the dashboard.........

CampTix & Events Calendar for Meetup Groups

"CampTix & Events Calendar for Meetup Groups" is an add-on for CampTix and The Events Calendar that lets you use these two great plugins to manage events for your meetup group. "CampTix & Events Calendar for Meetup Groups" adds the following features: New 'Sponsor' taxonomy for events so .........

Features by WooThemes

"Features by WooThemes" is a clean and easy-to-use features showcase management system for WordPress. Load in the features your product, company or services offers, and display them via a shortcode, widget or template tag on your website. Looking for a helping hand? View plugin documentation. Look.........

Export Plus

The export tool built into WordPress limits how you can export your data by giving you a restrictive UI and very few options. This plugin fixes that by adding a new export page with more flexible options through the cunning use of checkboxes (instead of radio buttons). By using "Export Plus" you can.........

Instant Featured Image

Sick of adding a image to your post content then also setting it as the featured image in a separate action? Of course you are! This plugin solves this problem by adding a new button alongside the "Insert into post" button in the media manager modal. When clicked, this button will insert your selec.........

Post Length Indicator

"Post Length Indicator" displays a dual-coloured bar along side the browser's scrollbar that shows readers what portion of the page contains the actual post content and what portion contains the comments. This is perfect for blogs that receive a lot of comments as it indicates to readers how long th.........

Media Player Style Kit

The WordPress media player is great and all, but the default styling doesn't fit into too many themes. Couple that with the fact that there aren't a lot of theme developers who add custom styles for the media player and you have the need for this plugin - a simple way to change your media player col.........

Easy Post Embed Code

Note that this plugin requires WordPress 4.4+. Right now, that means that you will need to be running the 4.4 beta release until the final version is officially released. You can run the latest beta using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. The oEmbed feature that is built into WordPress core from ve.........

Jetpack Contact Form Auto Reply

Jetpack supplies you with a very easy to use contact form for your WordPress site. This plugin enhances that contact form by allowing you to send a custom automatic reply to anyone who fills in the form. Plugin features Craft your custom reply message using the WordPress WYSIWYG editor Set a uniq.........