Author: Janis Elsts Related WordPress Plugins


Lets you disable automatic formatting like smart quotes and automatic paragraph creation, and use raw HTML/JS/CSS code in your posts without WordPress messing it up. Features With this plugin, you can wrap any part of your post in [raw]...[/raw] tags to prevent WordPress from converting newlines t.........

Error Log Monitor

This plugin adds a Dashboard widget that displays the latest messages from your PHP error log. It can also send you email notifications about newly logged errors. Features Automatically detects error log location. Explains how to configure PHP error logging if it's not enabled yet. The number of .........

Admin Menu Editor

Admin Menu Editor lets you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change premissions, and more. Features Change menu titles, URLs, icons, CSS classes and so on. Organize menu items via drag & drop. Change menu permissions by setting the required.........

Quick Configuration Links

This plugin will add a "Settings" to every active plugin listed on the "Plugins" page (right next to the "Deactivate" and "Edit" links). This makes it easy to acccess plugin configuration without hunting through the entire dashboard menu. The plugin finds the right page to link to by automatically .........

One Click Plugin Updater

Having grown to far exceed it's original aim - to provide easy plugin updates in WordPress - this plugin now deals with various aspects of plugin (and theme) installation and updating. Note that version 2.0 comes with a lot of new features, and, probably, new bugs. The previous version (see the "Oth.........

Restrict Login By IP

"Restrict By IP" lets you specify IP addresses or hosts that users are allowed to login from. Only users that have the exact IP will be able to access the dashboard. Everyone else will get a "Forbidden" error when trying to log in or access an admin page directly. However, normal visitors won't be a.........

Safer Cookies

Normally when you login to your blog WordPress will create a session cookie that is used to authenticate you. If someone was to steal the cookie they would be able to use it to get full access to your blog without having to know your password. This plugin prevents that from happening - it makes the .........

OneClick Installer

Important Notice This plugin is deprecated and is no longer maintained by it's original author. You should use One Click Plugin Updater instead. If you really want to use this plugin you can download the last stable version by clicking "Other versions" (see the menu to the right) and selecting 0.9..........

Align RSS Images

Align RSS Images is a simple plugin that scans your RSS feed and ensures that every image has the correct alignment and margin settings. This is useful if you want the images to appear correctly aligned not just on your site, but also in your RSS feed. Technically speaking, the plugin finds HTML el.........

Sort Admin Menus

This plugin sorts the items in the "Tools" and "Settings" dashboard menus in alphabetical order. Useful when you have lots of plugins installed and very cluttered menus as a result. The plugin should work well with most "drop-down menu" plugins and other visual enhancements. You can configure which.........


Removes default version query strings from CSS/JS resources, appends the modified time to the filename, and creates the necessary .htaccess rewrites automagically....