Author: Jason (Theme Blvd) Related WordPress Plugins

Theme Blvd Featured Image Link Override

When using a theme with Theme Blvd framework version 2.1+, this plugin allows you to set featured image link options globally throughout your site....

Theme Blvd Layout Builder

NOTE: This plugin requires Theme Blvd framework v2.2+ When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin gives you slick interface to build custom layouts with the framework's core elements. You can build these layouts directly into your WordPress pages through the standard Edit Page screen, or you can cr.........

Theme Blvd Importer

NOTE: This plugin requires Theme Blvd framework v2.5.2+ When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin adds some helpful import and export functionality. Live Demo Import: The default WordPress importer is extended to fully setup a copy of your theme's live demo(s). After importing all of the standa.........

Theme Blvd Responsive Google Maps

How To Use After activating the plugin you can use the shortcode [tb_google_map] to display a Google Map. Example: [tb_google_map address="6921 Brayton Drive, Anchorage, Alaska"]...

Theme Blvd Shortcodes

Within themes using the Theme Blvd framework, there are many internal elements and other 3rd-party items integrated, like Twitter Bootstrap and FontAwesome, to make use of. When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin gives you an extensive pack of shortcodes to extend the framework's functionality t.........

Theme Blvd Sliders

When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin gives you slick interface to build custom, responsive sliders that can then be incorporated throughout your website via shortcode or custom layouts....


For all you fellow tweeple, this is the plugin for you. Sure, there are tons of Twitter WordPress plugins already out there, but Tweeple gives you a more ThemeBlvd-ish approach to things. Note: This plugin does NOT require a theme with Theme Blvd framework. This is a plugin for all tweeple!...

Theme Blvd String Swap

When using a theme with Theme Blvd framework version 2.0+, this plugin is will provide you with a user-friendly interface to translate most of the strings you see on the frontend of your website....

Theme Blvd Favicon

After activating this plugin, a new section of Favicon options will be added to the Theme Options page of your Theme Blvd theme. Here you can configure a standard favicon along with bookmark icons for all portable Apple devices. All settings are completely optional. In WordPress 4.3, default favico.........

Quiet Comment Disable

This is a simple plugin that allows you to disable comments being submitted to your WordPress site, but still present the natural look of your theme's comment form. This plugin isn't meant for the average WordPress user, but it's great, for example, if you have a demo site for a WordPress theme. Wi.........

Simple Analytics

This plugin allows you to quickly include your Google Analytics tracking. After installing the plugin, just go to Settings > Analytics and input your Google Analytics Tracking ID. ...


This plugin adds a "Portfolio Item" custom post type with associated "Portfolio" and "Porfolio Tag" taxonomies. Any instances of the_tags() by your theme when on a portfolio item post are filtered to use Portfolio Tags....

Theme Blvd Post Template Options

NOTE: This plugin requires Theme Blvd framework v2.3+ This plugins adds meta box to reveal available custom fields you can use with Post List and Post Grid page templates of a Theme Blvd theme....

Theme Blvd Post-to-Page Link

When you're is using a theme with Theme Blvd framework 2.0.0+, this plugin will add an option to the framework’s current Post Options meta box allowing you to "link" any given post to a specified page ID. This will then effect the breadcrumbs display on that single post. This would come into play, .........

Theme Blvd Widget Areas

NOTE: This plugin requires Theme Blvd framework v2.2.1+ In a nutshell, this plugin provides that infamous "Unlimited Sidebars" feature all the cool kids are asking for with your Theme Blvd theme. When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin will allow to create custom widget areas for any of your th.........