Author: Joey Kudish Related WordPress Plugins

Jetpack by

Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools. Features include: Customization. Make your WordPress site uniquely yours with Custom CSS, Carousels, spam-free Contact Forms, Sidebar Widgets, .........

Eventbrite API

The Eventbrite API plugin brings the power of Eventbrite to WordPress, for both users and developers. By connecting to your Eventbrite account, events can be displayed directly on your website, complete with event details and ticket information. Events will blend in with the design of.........

Editorial Calendar

Did you remember to write a post for next Tuesday? What about the Tuesday after that? WordPress doesn't make it easy to see when your posts are scheduled. The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit pos.........


See the Keyring Developer's Guide for more details. Keyring provides a very hookable, completely customizable framework for connecting your WordPress to an external service. It takes care of all the heavy lifting when making authenticated requests, so all you need to do is implement cool features a.........

Custom Metadata Manager

An easy way to add custom fields to your object types (post, pages, custom post types, users) & to generate option pages. The goal of this plugin is to help you rapidly build familiar, intuitive interfaces for your users in a very WordPress-native way. The custom field panel is nice, but not q.........

Log Deprecated Notices Extender

This developer-oriented WordPress plugin extends Log Deprecated Notices to show a link in the WP 3.3+ Toolbar. Based on Andrew Nacin's Log Deprecated Notices This plugin is built and maintained by Joachim Kudish. Follow development, fork and contribute on github...

Misspelling Reporter

Inspired by Eric Meyer, Imagined by #BeachPress 2013, Doubted yet contributed by Joey Kudish, we bring you Misspelling Reporter! Misspelling Reporter allows site visitors to highlight a misspelled word on your site and click the message that pops up to alert the site admin and post author of the mi.........

Advanced Post Manager

This is a tool for developers who want to turbo-charge their custom post type listings with metadata, taxonomies, and more. An intuitive interface for adding (and saving) complex filtersets is provided, along with a drag-and-drop interface for choosing and ordering columns to be displayed. Metaboxes.........

Shopify Connect for WooCommerce

I've never liked choosing one thing over another. When it comes to e-commence Shopify and WooCommerce are both great options. Shopify has all the connections. From selling directly on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and more amazing integrations via their app store. Their interface is easy to use a.........

Connect for WooCommerce

This is a BETA release. Please carefully test and make sure it meets your needs before considering for a production site. Connect for WooCommerce makes basic eCommerce features like shipping more reliable by taking the burden off of your site’s infrastructure. With Connect, critical services are h.........